形容词新鲜的; 新的; 淡水的; 无经验的
副词刚; 最新的
名词开始; 新生; 泛滥; 淡水流
1. fresh out of : 刚卖完, 刚用完;
in brit, use 英国英语用wet13. 刚从…来的;刚经历过…的
if you are fresh from a particular place or experience, you have just come from that place or you have just had that experience. you can also say that someone is fresh out of a place.
e.g. i returned to the office, fresh from heathrow...
e.g. fresh from their semi-final win over germany, britain took a promising early lead...
14. 刚用完…的;一点儿不剩的
if you are fresh out of something, you have recently used the last of it and have none left.
e.g. when i needed a tape to record an interview on i found i was fresh out of cassettes.
1. banks welcomed the move which represented fresh business opportunities and the chance to utilize soaring foreign exchange savings deposits more efficiently.
2. the hustle and bustle of cities sometimes numbs us to our surroundings, so why not travel a fresh path in 2013 and savor the countryside?
3. but then again, it was easy to be fresh in the morning.
4. and " the buying process for fresh milk is basically out of control ".
5. surrounded by the sea, fresh seafood is a key selling point of hokkaido.
6. ferguson also risks fresh disciplinary action by the football association with a bizarre blast at referee chris foy after his side's shock loss.
7. wholesale prices of fresh beef imported from the mainland rose by 15 percent yesterday, to over hk $ 50 a catty.
8. you can breathe fresh air and relax yourself by enjoying wonderful landscape everywhere.
9. thousands of fresh college graduates will be able to bypass the grim job market by pursuing special internships at major firms across the country.
10. this comes as china is investigating claims into reports that vegetable sellers are spraying cabbage with formaldehyde to keep it fresh.
1. improperly forward or bold
e.g. don't be fresh with me
impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup
an impudent boy given to insulting strangers
don't get wise with me!
synonym: impertinentimpudentoverboldsmartsaucysassywise
2. not yet used or soiled
e.g. a fresh shirt
a fresh sheet of paper
an unused envelope
synonym: unused
3. recently made, produced, or harvested
e.g. fresh bread
a fresh scent
fresh lettuce
4. not canned or otherwise preserved
e.g. fresh vegetables
5. not containing or composed of salt water
e.g. fresh water
synonym: sweet
6. imparting vitality and energy
e.g. the bracing mountain air
synonym: bracingbriskrefreshingrefreshfultonic
7. (of a cycle) beginning or occurring again
e.g. a fresh start
fresh ideas
8. original and of a kind not seen before
e.g. the computer produced a completely novel proof of a well-known theorem
synonym: newnovel
9. free from impurities
e.g. clean water
fresh air
synonym: clean
10. not soured or preserved
e.g. sweet milk
synonym: sweetunfermented
11. with restored energy
synonym: invigoratedrefreshedreinvigorated
12. having recently calved and therefore able to give milk
e.g. the cow is fresh
1. very recently
e.g. they are newly married
newly raised objections
a newly arranged hairdo
grass new washed by the rain
a freshly cleaned floor
we are fresh out of tomatoes
synonym: newlyfreshlynew